Covid Crowd Cheering/Walla

Covid Crowd Cheering/Walla

BPS Covid Crowd - Theatre 50 People Cheering HD Sound Effects

Covid Crowd Cheering/Walla Sound Effect. Times are tough for artists and performers right now. In between the Ontario lockdowns, a friend of mine had an album release show. She rented a big 700 seat theatre, and invited 50 people for a private concert. My other friend recorded and live streamed the show, and borrowed my H6 for room mics. The result is what I'm officially calling a 'Covid Crowd'. A small crowd of people socially distanced in a large space, intended for a much larger audience. The crowd was loving it and gave us some awesome material. Thank you Samantha Martin and the Delta Sugar for putting on a phenomenal show, and giving me more great crowd samples.

Covid Crowd Cheering/Walla
Microphone - Zoom H6

Stereo Audio - 24bit / 48kHz

Check out the band that made them woo: Samantha Martin and the Delta Sugar
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  • Version
  • Download 206
  • File Size 60.5MB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date January 21, 2021
  • Last Updated March 9, 2023