Category: Free Sounds

Skatepark Ambience | Toronto Skateboarding

Free ambience / crowd sound samples from Wallace Emerson, a DIY skatepark in Toronto. The sound of kids and adults skating around, doing skateboard tricks, and talking with each other.

Garage Tools – Foley | Sound Effects

This mini SFX pack includes 59 sound samples of various tools owned and operated by a mechanic friend, recorded in his garage.

Sauble Beach – Springtime Ambience

Sauble Beach – Springtime Ambience. These recordings were taken in Sauble Beach, Ontario, Canada in early spring 2022.

Writing Sounds – Paper Pencils Pens

Writing Sounds – Paper Pencils Pens. The sound of writing with different utensils, on different canvass and on different surfaces

Snow Storm Ambience – Wind Snow Dust

Snow Storm Ambience – Wind Snow Dust. A morning snowfall in Toronto. The sound of powdery snow and blustery winds.

Horseshoe Tavern – Crowd Reactions – Cheering / Walla

Horseshoe Tavern – Crowd Reactions – Cheering / Walla. This download contains 8 HD recordings of the crowd throughout a night at the Horseshoe Tavern. Featuring various cheers, chants, applause and some great after-show walla.

New Years – City At Midnight

New Years – City At Midnight. Distant fireworks with a wash of cheers and celebrations as the clock turns over from December 31st 2021 to January 1st 2022. We were not able to spend New Years with any friends or family this year, so we decided to go to our backyard and record out into the city at midnight.

Electric Saw – Cutting Wood

Electric Saw – Cutting Wood. The sound cutting up large slabs of wood with an electric saw. Electric motor, sparks flying, wood chipping.

Lake Simcoe – Soothing Waves

A few sound samples of Lake Simcoe late at night in the middle of summer. Gentle waves hitting the sand, distant crickets in the background, all with a calm nighttime presence.

Ontario Countryside Ambience – Cricket Chorus

Here I have several recordings of country ambience recorded off of Lake Simcoe in Ontario Canada. A wide variety of meadow and field ambience samples featuring various crickets, birds and wispy winds